ShipIT 365 Functionalities

ShipIT 365 is packed with features to help you manage your shipping process with ease. Here’s a rundown of what it can do:

  • Provides integration between Business Central and carriers, using brokers like nShift or Sendcloud.
  • Generates a uniform input document called the Transport Order to prevent double data entry and mistakes.
  • Enables users to track their shipments in real time and receive updates from their Business Central source documents.
  • Carrier Select allows users to select the best carrier based on their preferences for price, time, and service.
  • Offers the ability to schedule pickup and delivery time slots, ensuring shipments arrive on time and in good condition.
  • Does not require direct integration with carriers, providing users with the freedom to choose the carrier that best fits their needs.
  • Provides a one-time data entry process for all shipments, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of mistakes.

Integrate the ShipIT 365 functionalities into the Tasklet Mobile WMS and MobileNAV

  • Pick, pack, and print labels directly from your mobile device.
  • Integrate the ShipIT 365 functionalities from within Business Central into the Mobile Warehouse Management System (WMS) by Tasklet and MobileNAV.
  • No need to use Business Central operationally to ship parcels.
  • Integration between ShipIT and the mobile devices is free of charge.

Functionalities available per platform

You may be wondering what functionalities are available per carrier platform. Use the table below to evaluate the functionalities per carrier platform:

     nShift Transsmart nShift Ship    Sendcloud    EasyPost
Rates available in the app (carrier select) Yes (optional) Yes (optional) Yes No
Tasklet WMS integration available Yes Yes (optional) Yes


Multisoft Mobile NAV Yes Coming Soon Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Package module available (additional fee) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shipping agent calendars available Yes Yes Yes Yes
Status updates & Track and Trace   available Yes Yes Yes yes
Warehousing process supported Yes Yes Yes Yes
Returns Yes Yes Yes Yes
Available Worldwide Worldwide Europe Worldwide
Print additional (export) documents Fully automated Fully automated Possible* Possible*
All type of source documents available Yes Yes Yes Yes

*(With PrintIT 365, only shipping labels)

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